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Public Record Update Newsletter © September 2009

Public Record Update
September, 2009

Changes at Kansas Bureau of Investigation

Effective October 1, 2009, significant fee changes and record access procedures will take place for criminal records provided by the Criminal Records Division of the Kansas Bureau of Investigation. The fee for an online name check increases from $17.50 to $20.00 per name. The service of providing record charges by mail will be discontinued unless a certified request is needed which will cost $30.00 instead of $27.50. The fees for fingerprint checks will also increase. The basic fingerprint check will be $30.00; a certified fingerprint check will be $40.00.
The program for giving reduced rates to "caregivers" will be been discontinued on October 1st. To access the records online, go to  One may use a credit card to order. Ongoing requesters are encouraged to obtain a subscription account.

Nevada Amends Law For Licensing Private Investigators

Nevada has long been known as the only state in the U.S. which requires any paid researcher of open public records to be dully licensed private investigator. Although this provision has not changed, two exemptions were added within SB 265 that took affect when the governor signed the bill into law on May 29. Section 3.5 of the 265 specifically amended the list of entities that are exempt from obtaining the PI license as per NRS 648.018. The following two exemptions were added:
13. To any commercial registered agent, as defined in NRSA 77.404, who obtains copies of, examines or extracts information from public records maintained by any foreign, federal, state, or local government, or any agency or political subdivision of any foreign, federal, state, or local government.
14.  To any holder of a certificate of certified public accountant issued by the Nevada State Board of Accountancy pursuant to chapter 648.018 of NRS while performing his duties pursuant to the certificate.
Nevada has not yet codified the changes to their legislative web page, which means the amended version of NRS 648 showing all changes cannot yet be viewed at
Therefore, to see the changes and new provisions in the law, one must view the final version of SB 265.
Go to and research Senate Bill 265. Be sure to view the final version with amendment No. 782.
North Carolina Courts Increase Certain Fees
North Carolina Courts Increase Certain Fees
Per legislation, effective September 1, 2009, provisions for a number of fee changes and several new fees went into affect for the North Carolina court system. The most significant fee change associated with public record searching was an increase from $15.00 per name to $25.00 per name for a criminal record search performed by court personnel.
A list of the fee changes by type of court can be viewed at

Ohio Vehicle Records
Effective October 1, 2009, the fee for title-related records at Ohio's Bureau of Motor Vehicles increases from $2.00 to $5.00. The fee for registration-related records remains at $5.00 (it had increased previuosly from $3.00 effective this past July).
Registration records are available for past seven years. The state requires the use of a special form when making these requests.
Vehicle title records include the lien information. A request for a title history requires the VIN, make and year of the vehicle. All previous owners and mileage figures are reported.
PRRN Membership Numbers Increasing
Perhaps it is a small sign the economy is improving - twelve new members have joined PRRN since August 1st. Membership now totals 573 members. Also, one entity was recently removed for violation of the membership terms.
Search for PRRN members by County or county equivalency at

To Our Readers...


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