Ventura County, CA Public Records
P: 805-289-8900, 805-289-8668
Ventura, CA 93009
Jurisdiction: Felony, Misdemeanor, Civil, Eviction, Small Claims, Traffic, Ordinance, Family, Probate
Restricted Records: No adoption, mental health, paternity actions, juvenile, medical, probation or sealed records released
Records Division phone is 805-289-8668. Search request can include civil and criminal if you specify. The Juvenile Court is located in Oxnard - 805-289-8820.
P: 805-289-8668, 805-289-8820
Restricted Records: No adoption, mental health, paternity actions, juvenile, medical, probation or sealed records released
Access to Civil, Small Claims, and Probate case dockets is free at Search by case number or name, a filed date range can also be used. Results show category,case type, case number and file date.
Ventura County, CA Vital Records
Contact the Ventura County Office of the County Recorder if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.
County Recorder
800 S Victoria Ave
Hall of Admin, Main Plza
Ventura, CA 93009
Fax: 805-654-2392
Recorded Documents, Fictitious Name
Ventura County Vital Certificates

If you would like to obtain a hard copy of a birth, death, marriage, divorce, or other vital record, you can do so by searching for and requesting a vital certificate. Vital certificates are hard copy documents, the same as those used by the United States government.
Get a vital certificate.

Additional Resources
CA - Ventura County - Superior Court Civil and Probate Cases
CA - Ventura County - Recorded Documents
CA - Ventura County - Superior Court Criminal and Traffic Cases
CA - Ventura County - Property Tax and Ownership
CA - Ventura County - Property Tax and Ownership, GIS/Mapping
CA - Ventura County - Superior Court Family Law Cases
State Public RecordsAdjoining Counties
Kern County, CALos Angeles County, CA
Santa Barbara County, CA
Ventura County Information
If you look at the gap between Los Angeles and Ventura County on a map, it's pretty small—60 short miles separate the two—but the difference in crowds, scenery, and overall atmosphere between the two areas is huge.
Known for its expansive beaches and craggy mountains, the county was isolated for years because travel to and from it was hazardous. Now, modern roadways like Hwy 101—made famous in song by America as the Ventura Highway—have made it accessible, and the area has grown exponentially.
The county is a refuge for members of the arts and entertainment community. Dancers, painters, musicians, and potters are inspired by the beauty of the area and the many venues they have for sharing their talents. There is always something going on—from theater, to art exhibits, to concerts, to dance…the event calendar is always full.
If you are in the area to soak up some rays and catch a wave or two, head to the seashore. Ventura Beach is a great place to try out your surfboard, but if you're new to the sport, be sure to invest some time and money in a private or group lesson before you try to hang 10. While you're at the beach, check into renting a sea kayak, or charter a fishing boat to try your hand at deep-sea fishing.
Ventura County is part of the Central Coast of California, an area world famous for its wines, so don't leave without visiting at least one of the many stellar wineries in the area. Take a tour and taste some of the best wines America has to offer; and then cap your day with a gourmet meal on a breezy patio and enjoy the beauty of Ventura County at night.
Ventura County Population Records
- Females: 49.8%
- White: 87.1%
- Black/African American: 2.2%
- Asian: 6.7%
- Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0.3%
- Hispanic or Latino Origin: 38.5%
- White, Not Hispanic: 50.9%
- Los Angeles County, CA: 9,019
- Santa Barbara County, CA: 1,574
- San Diego County, CA: 968
- Kern County, CA: 828
- Orange County, CA: 746
- Riverside County, CA: 644
Ventura County Records
- Total: $23,031,950
- Construction: $1,380,345
- Retail Trade: $1,566,063
- Professional and Technical Services: $1,797,447
- Healthcare: $1,656,567
- Banking: $2,191,328
- Retail Trade: $1,566,063
- Accommodations and Food Services: $587,980
- Manufacturing: $4,163,451
- Farms: $720,923
- Government: $3,692,454
Ventura County Birth, Death Records
- Per 1,000 population: 15.4
- Per 1,000 population: 6.2
- Per 1,000 population: 5.5
Ventura County Criminal Records
- Murder and non-negligent manslaughter: 31
- Forcible rape: 124
- Robbery: 867
- Aggravated Assault: 1,115
- Burglary: 3,279
- Larceny-Theft: 11,459
- Motor Vehicle Theft: 1,361
Ventura County Genealogy Records
- - Search for genealogy records for your town in Ventura County
- Linkpendium Ventura County Genealogy Records
- - Search for Ventura County public records by town, record type, and/or state.
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