Pulaski County, AR Public Records
550 Edgewood Dr, #400
Maumelle, AR 72113 https://www.maumelle.org/160/District
P: 501-851-7800
F: 501-851-7427
P: 501-455-2585 ext. 102
F: 501-455-5531
Alexander, AR 72002
Jurisdiction: Misdemeanor, Traffic
P: 501-835-3693
Sherwood, AR 72120
Jurisdiction: Misdemeanor, Civil Actions under $25,000, Small Claims
The case limit on civil records increased to $25,000 as of 01/01/2017. The index is online at https://caseinfo.arcourts.gov/cconnect/PROD/public/ck_public_qry_main.cp_main_idx. Unlawful Detainers can be referred to a State District Court Judge.
P: 501-897-4547
F: 501-897-5647
Little Rock, AR 72206
Jurisdiction: Misdemeanor Traffic, Civil Actions under $5,000, Small Claims
600 W Markham St
Little Rock, AR 72201 https://www.littlerock.gov/city-admin
P: 501-371-4739
F: 501-371-4515
3001 W Roosevelt
Little Rock, AR 72204 http://pulaskicounty.net/pulaski-coun
P: 501-340-6841, 501-340-6824
F: 501-340-6899
The case limit on civil records increased to $25,000 on 07/01/2009. Unlawful Detainers (3 day criminal notice) are heard at the Circuit Court, but can be referred to a State District Court Judge.
200 West Pershing Blvd
North Little Rock, AR 72114 http://nlr.ar.gov/cms/one.aspx?portal
P: 501-791-8559
F: 501-791-8599
The case limit on civil records increased to $25,000 on 07/01/2009. There is no centralized location of District Court civil records. Each court must be searched.
P: 501-982-9531
F: 501-985-1100
The case limit on civil records increased to $25,000 on 07/01/2009. There is no centralized location of District Court civil records. Each court must be searched. Unlawful Detainers can be referred to a State District Court Judge.
P: 501-340-8500, 501-340-8330
F: 501-340-8340
Restricted Records: No expunged records released
Probate handled by County Clerk.
600 W. Markham
Little Rock, AR 72201 https://www.littlerock.gov/city-admin
P: 501-371-4733
F: 501-371-4448
The Court has original jurisdiction over all traffic offenses committed in the City Limits including DWI and vehicular homicide, as well as speeding, failing to yield, firelane parking tickets, etc.
Pulaski County, AR Vital Records
Contact the Pulaski County Office of the Recorder/County Circuit Clerk if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.
Recorder/County Circuit Clerk
401 W Markham St, Rm 100
Little Rock, AR 72201 http://www.pulaskiclerk.com/
Fax: 501-421-0293
Recorded Documents, Voter Registration, Marriage
Pulaski County Vital Certificates

If you would like to obtain a hard copy of a birth, death, marriage, divorce, or other vital record, you can do so by searching for and requesting a vital certificate. Vital certificates are hard copy documents, the same as those used by the United States government.
Get a vital certificate.

Additional Resources
AR - Pulaski County - Recorded Documents
AR - Pulaski County - Circuit Court & Disctict Court
AR - Pulaski County - Property Tax and Ownership
AR - Pulaski County - Little Rock District Court
State Public RecordsAdjoining Counties
Faulkner County, ARGrant County, AR
Jefferson County, AR
Lonoke County, AR
Perry County, AR
Saline County, AR
Did you mean?
Pulaski County, GAPulaski County, IL
Pulaski County, IN
Pulaski County, KY
Pulaski County, MO
Pulaski County, VA
Pulaski County Population Records
- Females: 52.2%
- White: 60.8%
- Black/African American: 34.7%
- Asian: 2%
- Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0.1%
- Hispanic or Latino Origin: 4.6%
- White, Not Hispanic: 57.1%
- Saline County, AR: 1,664
- Faulkner County, AR: 1,362
- Lonoke County, AR: 1,327
- Jefferson County, AR: 656
- Washington County, AR: 379
- White County, AR: 374
Pulaski County Records
- Total: $16,049,414
- Construction: $779,905
- Retail Trade: $850,538
- Professional and Technical Services: $1,094,051
- Healthcare: $1,761,357
- Banking: $1,029,506
- Retail Trade: $850,538
- Accommodations and Food Services: $337,637
- Manufacturing: $958,460
- Farms: $-1,633
- Government: $3,645,324
Pulaski County Birth, Death Records
- Per 1,000 population: 16
- Per 1,000 population: 8.8
- Per 1,000 population: 9.8
Pulaski County Criminal Records
- Murder and non-negligent manslaughter: 54
- Forcible rape: 227
- Robbery: 1,209
- Aggravated Assault: 2,486
- Burglary: 6,839
- Larceny-Theft: 17,719
- Motor Vehicle Theft: 1,964
Pulaski County Genealogy Records
- USGenWeb.org
- Rootsweb.org - Search for genealogy records for your town in Pulaski County
- Linkpendium Pulaski County Genealogy Records
- OnlineSearches.com - Search for Pulaski County public records by town, record type, and/or state.
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<a href="https://www.brbpub.com/arkansas/pulaski/">Pulaski Public Records</a>