Cook County, IL Public Records
50 W Washington St, Rm 601
Richard J. Daley Center
Chicago, IL 60602
P: 312-603-5116
F: 312-603-3330
Restricted Records: No juvenile or adoption records released
Cases heard in 6 district courts within the county. Probate is a separate division in Rm 1202. Note the Law Division handles Civil cases over $100,000.
50 W Washington, Rm 801
Richard J. Daley Center
Chicago, IL 60602
P: 312-603-5426
F: 312-603-3348
The case types heard include, but are not limited to: appointment of trustees, breach of contract, personal injury and property damage. The Law Division also maintains the Asbestos Registry.
5600 Old Orchard Rd
Skokie Court Bldg, Rm 136
Skokie, IL 60076-1023
P: 847-470-7250
F: 847-470-5049
Restricted Records: All records are public.
Deerfield, Des Plaines, Evanston, Glencoe, Glenview, Golf, Kenilworth, Lincolnwood, Morton Grove, Niles, Northbrook, Northfield, Park Ridge, Prospect Heights, Skokie, Wilmette, Winnetka.
2650 S California Ave
Court Bldg, 5th Fl, Rm 526
Chicago, IL 60608
P: 773-674-3922, 773-674-3140
F: 773-674-4444
Restricted Records: No juvenile or adoption records released
Records Dept on 5th Fl. Cases are heard in six district courts within the county and each court also has a central index. This location houses felony records only, but both felony and misdemeanor are on this division's computer system.
2121 Euclid Ave, Rm 121
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-1566
P: 847-818-3000
F: 847-818-2706
See list of cities and villages of this geographic area at the web page.
1500 S Maybrook Dr, Rm 236
Maywood, IL 60153-2410
P: 708-865-6040
F: 708-865-4881
Bellwood, Berkeley, Berwyn, Broadview, Brookfield, Cicero, Elmwood Pk, Forest Pk, Franklin Pk, Hillside, Hines, La Grange Pk, Maywood, Melrose Pk, Memorial Pk, North Riverside, Northlake, Oak Pk, River Forest, River Grove, Riverside, Stone Pk, Westchester
10220 S 76th Ave, Rm 121
Bridgeview, IL 60453
P: 708-974-6500
F: 708-974-6384
Alsip,Bedford Pk,Bridgeview,Burbank,Countryside,Evergreen Pk,Forest View,Hickory Hills,Hinsdale,Hodgkins,Hometown,Justice, Lagrange,Lemont,Lyons,McCook,Oak Forest, Oak Lawn,Orland Hills,Palos Pk, Stickney,Summit,Tinley Pk,West Haven, Willow Springs,Worth.
16501 S Kedzie Pkwy, Rm 119
Markham, IL 60428
P: 708-232-4551
F: 708-232-4682
Traffic data is available online at
50 West Washington Street, Rm 102
Richard J. Daley Center
Chicago, IL 60602
P: 312-603-6441
F: 312-603-6204
The jurisdiction includes Wills of deceased, estates of deceased, estates of disabled adults, estates of minors and wards of the state, guardianship of minors, and guardianship of disabled adults.
1100 S Hamilton, Rm 13
Juvenile Court Bldg
Chicago, IL 60612
P: 312-433-4881, 312-433-6870
F: 312-433-6863
The Juvenile Justice Division has exclusive jurisdiction over all minors, under the age of 17, who have been charged with violating a federal law, state law or municipal ordinance (other than a traffic, boating, fishing or gaming law violation).
50 W Washington St, Lower Level
Richard J Daley Center
Chicago, IL 60602
P: 312-603-2000
F: 312-603-2928
Traffic/1st Municipal District files are divided into 2 categories, major and minor cases. Most Traffic Division cases are retained for five years and then destroyed .
50 W Washington St, Rm 802
Richard J Daley Center
Chicago, IL 60602
P: 312-603-6300
F: 312-603-6336
50 W Washington St, Rm 802
Richard J Daley Center
Chicago, IL 60602
P: 312-603-6300
F: 312-603-6336
Case files generally consist of petitions, police reports, complaints, responsive pleadings, judicial orders, and other evidentiary documents.
50 W Washington St, Rm 802
Richard J Daley Center
Chicago, IL 60602
P: 312-603-5133
F: 312-603-3020
The Chancery Division hears matters of equity which are filed under the following categories: class actions, declaratory judgments, mortgage foreclosures, injunctions, administrative reviews, general chancery and mechanics liens.
Cook County, IL Vital Records
Contact the Cook County Office of the Recorder of Deeds if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.
Recorder of Deeds
118 N Clark St, #120
Chicago, IL 60602
8AM-4:55PM CST
Fax: 312-603-5107
Recorded Documents, State Tax Liens
Cook County Vital Certificates

If you would like to obtain a hard copy of a birth, death, marriage, divorce, or other vital record, you can do so by searching for and requesting a vital certificate. Vital certificates are hard copy documents, the same as those used by the United States government.
Get a vital certificate.

Additional Resources
IL - Cook County - Property Tax and Ownership, Exempt Religious Property
IL - Cook County - Circuit Court Records - Civil, Probate, Law, Chancery, Domestic Relations
IL - Cook County - Property Tax and Ownership
IL - Cook County - Traffic Records
State Public RecordsAdjoining Counties
Kane County, ILLake County, IL
McHenry County, IL
Will County, IL
Lake County, IN
DuPage County, IL
Did you mean?
Cook County, GACook County, MN
Cook County Information
Situated on the shoreline of Lake Michigan, Cook County in Illinois is home to nearly half of the state's residents, with the majority residing in the City of Chicago. The County itself has much to offer, particularly where cultural attractions are concerned. Home to some of the country's best museums, residents and visitors can choose from the Museum of Natural History, the Art Institute of Chicago, Shedd Aquarium, the Field Museum, the Museum of Science and Industry, and many, many more. The County also boasts one of the biggest food festivals around - the Taste of Chicago. Every summer, hundreds of vendors gather in Grant Park, offering everything from the exotic cuisine of distant locales to local Chicago favorites. The County is also known for other festivals as well, including the Grant Park Music Festival, the Chicago Humanities Festival, and the Air and Water Show along the lakefront.
For people who want to enjoy the great outdoors in a non-festival setting, the County has plenty to offer. In addition to the more famous parks, like Grant Park and Millennium Park in Chicago, the County is home to numerous smaller parks as well. You could also explore the Chicago Botanic Garden or take in the sights of the Brookfield Zoo. Of course, with sparkling Lake Michigan as the County's northeastern border, you may be content with walking or biking along the shoreline and taking in the beautiful scenery that way. Cook County truly has unlimited offerings for residents and visitors alike. No matter what your interests are, they are sure to be satisfied here.
Cook County Population Records
- Females: 51.3%
- White: 66.7%
- Black/African American: 25.5%
- Asian: 5.9%
- Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0.1%
- Hispanic or Latino Origin: 23.2%
- White, Not Hispanic: 44.9%
- DuPage County, IL: 14,340
- Will County, IL: 8,293
- Lake County, IL: 7,206
- Kane County, IL: 4,659
- Lake County, IN: 4,187
- McHenry County, IL: 2,279
Cook County Records
- Total: $207,185,995
- Construction: $9,956,269
- Retail Trade: $8,594,117
- Professional and Technical Services: $32,506,925
- Healthcare: $16,908,993
- Banking: $26,424,908
- Retail Trade: $8,594,117
- Accommodations and Food Services: $5,439,493
- Manufacturing: $19,386,811
- Farms: $6,727
- Government: $22,990,486
Cook County Birth, Death Records
- Per 1,000 population: 15.2
- Per 1,000 population: 7.7
- Per 1,000 population: 7.4
Cook County Criminal Records
- Murder and non-negligent manslaughter: 536
- Forcible rape: 0
- Robbery: 18,005
- Aggravated Assault: 18,493
- Burglary: 31,529
- Larceny-Theft: 107,973
- Motor Vehicle Theft: 21,490
Cook County Genealogy Records
- - Search for genealogy records for your town in Cook County
- Linkpendium Cook County Genealogy Records
- - Search for Cook County public records by town, record type, and/or state.
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