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Hennepin County, MN Public Records

4th Judicial District Court - Criminal Division
300 S 6th St, Room B-0100
Centralized Record Center
Minneapolis, MN 55487
Hours: 8AM-4:30PM CST
F: 612-348-6099
Jurisdiction: Felony, Misdemeanor, Traffic
Restricted Records: No sex offender or sealed records released
This is central location for criminal record searching in this county. If misdemeanor case file is needed at one of the other District Courts, this court will retrieve it. For more info see Court can be reached @ 612-348-2713
4th Judicial District Court - Division 2 Brookdale
6125 Shingle Creek Pky, #200
Brooklyn Center, MN 55430
Hours: 8AM-4:30PM M,T,TH,F; W 1:30PM CST
P: 612-348-2040
Jurisdiction: Misdemeanor, Traffic
The court refers requesters to the criminal record center in Minneapolis or online system. Jurisdiction area- Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, Champlin, Corcoran, Crystal, Dayton, Greenfield, Hanover, Hassan, New Hope, Osseo, Robbinsdale, Rockford, Rogers.
4th Judicial District Court - Division 3 Ridgedale
12601 Ridgedale Dr
Minnetonka, MN 55305-1912
Hours: 8AM-4:30PM (Wed: 8AM-1:30PM) CST
P: 612-348-2040
F: 952-541-6297
Jurisdiction: Misdemeanor, Traffic
Restricted Records: No police reports, juvenile or sealed records released
The Southdale Courthouse will close on 2/1/19. Cases will be moved to the Ridgedale courthouse.
4th Judicial District Court - Division 4 Southdale (Closed)
Edina, MN 55435
Hours: 8AM-4:30PM CST
P: 612-348-2040
Jurisdiction: Misdemeanor, Traffic
The Southdale Courthouse will close on 2/1/19. Cases will be moved to the Ridgedale courthouse at 12601 Ridgedale Dr, Service Center, Minnetonka, MN 55305.
4th Judicial District Court - Division 1 Civil
300 S 6th St
3 C Government Ctr
Minneapolis, MN 55487
Hours: 8AM-4:30PM (closed Wed at 1:30) CST
P: 612-348-3164
F: 612-348-2131
Jurisdiction: Civil, Small Claims, Eviction
Restricted Records: No sex offender or sealed records released, domestic abuse and paternity cases are limited
The Housing Court handles evictions countywide and is located at Courts Tower, Floor 3 (C3) of the Hennepin County Government Center, 612-348-5186. Conciliation Court (Small Claims is 350 South 5th Street, Rm. #306, 612-348-2713.
4th Judicial District Court - Family Court
110 S 4th St
Family Justice Center
Minneapolis, MN 55401
Hours: 8AM-4:30PM CST
P: 612-348-6734
F: 612-596-9309
Jurisdiction: Family
4th Judicial District Court - Probate
300 S 6th St, C-400
County Government Ctr
Minneapolis, MN 55487-0340
Hours: 8:30AM-4:30PM CST
P: 612-348-6000
F: 612-348-2130
Jurisdiction: Probate, Mental Health, (includes Trusts)
The public can access Probate and Mental Health court records on the B-Level. Search Probate and Family cases free at

Hennepin County, MN Vital Records

Contact the Hennepin County Office of the County Recorder & Registrar of Titles if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.

Hennepin County
County Recorder & Registrar of Titles
300 S 6th St, A-500 Government Ctr
Skyway level-Government Center
Minneapolis, MN 55487
8AM-4:30PM CST
Phone: 612-348-5139
Fax: 612-348-4948
Recorded Documents

Hennepin County Vital Certificates

Hennepin County Vital Certificates

If you would like to obtain a hard copy of a birth, death, marriage, divorce, or other vital record, you can do so by searching for and requesting a vital certificate. Vital certificates are hard copy documents, the same as those used by the United States government.

Get a vital certificate.

Hennepin County Information

Located in east-central Minnesota, Hennepin County is home to Minneapolis, one half of what is known as the Twin Cities (the other half, Saint Paul, is in Ramsey County). The county has a unique blend of urban and natural features, and is easily the most populated county in the state. In fact, over one in five Minnesota residents call Hennepin County home. Most of these folks live in and around Minneapolis (the county seat), but even with such a large population, the city provides extensive parks and green spaces for residents and visitors to enjoy. The city's park system is unsurpassed, covers more than 16 percent of the area, and incorporates many of the numerous lakes and wetlands in the area. Minneapolis is also considered to be the most literate city in America, as well as one of the most socially progressive and culturally appealing, with lots of live music venues, theaters, visual arts, and more.

Hennepin County is also home to the world famous Mall of America. This megamall is located in Bloomington, and in addition to its more than 500 stores and restaurants, it even has an amusement park! Over 40 million people per year head to the Mall of America to shop, browse, or gaze in wonderment at something that is uniquely American. Finally, the outdoor activities in the county are also worth mentioning; this is the Land of 10,000 Lakes, after all. There are two national protected areas that feature the area's natural terrain and native plants and animals. There are also ample recreational opportunities in these areas, including hiking, biking, and more.

Hennepin County Population Records

Total Land Area (2000): 556.62 sq mi
Population (2009): 1,156,212
  • Females: 50.5%
  • White: 79.8%
  • Black/African American: 10.9%
  • Asian: 5.8%
  • Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0.1%
  • Hispanic or Latino Origin: 6.4%
  • White, Not Hispanic: 74.5%
Population Change (2000-2009): 40,175
Foreign-Born Population (2000): 9.9%
Language other than English spoken at home (2000): 12.8%
Persons Below Poverty Level (2008): 11%
High School Graduates (2000): 90.6%
Bachelor’s Degree or Higher (2000): 39.1%
Persons per Household (2000): 2.39
Housing Units (2000): 468,824
Homeownership Rate (2000): 66.2%
Migration Flow to Hennepin County, MN from (2007-2008):

Hennepin County Records

Total Earnings by Industry, in thou. dol. (2007):
  • Total: $67,790,991
  • Construction: $2,396,706
  • Retail Trade: $3,073,562
  • Professional and Technical Services: $9,131,348
  • Healthcare: $5,782,624
  • Banking: $9,180,998
  • Retail Trade: $3,073,562
  • Accommodations and Food Services: $1,449,847
  • Manufacturing: $7,551,044
  • Farms: $18,155
  • Government: $6,304,435
Employed (2000): 616,729
Unemployed (2000): 24,410
Unemployment Rate (2009): 7.4%
Annual Payroll per Employee (2007): $56,280
Local Government Employment (2007): 55,467
Local Government Revenue (2007): $5,060,479 (thou. dol.)
Local Government Debt (2007): $6,308,934 (thou. dol.)

Hennepin County Birth, Death Records

Births (2007): 16,882
  • Per 1,000 population: 14.9
Deaths (2007): 7,635
  • Per 1,000 population: 6.7
Infant Deaths (2007): 112
  • Per 1,000 population: 6.6

Hennepin County Criminal Records

Violent Crimes (2008): 5,936
  • Murder and non-negligent manslaughter: 48
  • Forcible rape: 367
  • Robbery: 2,511
  • Aggravated Assault: 3,010
Property Crimes (2008): 43,197
  • Burglary: 8,984
  • Larceny-Theft: 30,735
  • Motor Vehicle Theft: 3,478

Hennepin County Genealogy Records