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Arizona Public Records

Arizona Public Records

What You Can Access in Arizona Public Records

The government of Arizona is required to make a considerable amount of information available to the public. When they do, you can find that information in Arizona Public Records. These records are designed to be easily accessible, and provided they are not considered "private" or "dangerous" to the community, most government collected information will be available for public use.

Some of the information available in Arizona Public Records includes:

  • Criminal Records - You should be able to locate most criminal records and criminal histories, including those of people that are currently or formerly incarcerated.
  • Licenses - Marriage and divorce documents, alcohol licenses for companies - anything or anyone that is licensed by the government should have public records available for viewing when you need them.
  • Court Records - With the exception of ongoing criminal cases (that could be jeopardized if information is leaked), you should be able to gain access to most court records simply by requesting the information.
  • Arizona public records include a lot of information that you may find useful. Although it is a good idea to know what you are looking for before you start searching these public records, there is a wealth of information that is available either free or for a very nominal cost if you need it.

    Arizona Birth Records

    There are many reasons why somebody might need a birth certificate. You might need to register a child for school, or you are researching your family tree….whatever the reason, finding a birth record from Arizona can be done in a few ways.Obtaining an Arizona Birth Record from 1855 to 1935 is pretty easy with their online system. All you need is a date range and a county and anybody born during your date range in that county will be listed. Once you find the name you are interested in, a .pdf file is displayed for you. These birth records are not certified if you print them, but they do have all of the information that you are looking forFor Arizona birth records from 1935 to present, it is not quite as easy. Arizona is a closed record State, meaning that their birth records are not public records. To obtain a certified copy of an Arizona Birth Record, you must be the person named on the certificate or a close relation or legal representative. With the proper forms, a genealogist can obtain a certified Arizona Birth Record. You can visit one of the many offices they have scattered around the State to obtain a certified copy, or you can mail in a form and include a self addressed stamped envelope to receive one back from the State agency.

    Arizona Death Records

    Arizona death records are essential if you are researching a family tree. Sometimes these records can be difficult to find and obtain because of different State laws that are in place today are laws that may not have been in place at the time of the death. You might also require a Arizona death record if an immediate family member has recently passed away. Often times, a certified copy is required to settle the estate of the deceased.

    For those who need an Arizona death record, you may request it in person or at any local county office by mail if the death occurred after July 2008. If the death occurred prior to this time, then you must request the death record from the State Office of Vital Records, which is located in Phoenix.

    Arizona death records became the law in 1909, but you may have luck finding earlier records by contacting the individual County where the death took place.

    Arizona is a closed record state, which means that only certain people may request and obtain a certified death record.