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Marion County, IN Public Records

Superior Court Criminal Division
200 E Washington St
City-County Bldg, T-644
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Hours: 8AM-4:30PM EST
P: 317-327-4715
F: 317-327-4815
Jurisdiction: Felony, Misdemeanor, Probate
Restricted Records: No juvenile, mental, adoption or sealed released
The Marion Superior Court has exclusive jurisdiction over all criminal cases filed in this county. There are 24 Criminal Divisions. All records are centrally located at this address.
Circuit Court
200 E Washington St
Civil Clerk's Office
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Hours: 8AM-4:30PM EST
P: 317-327-4740, 317-327-4009
F: 317-327-3893
Jurisdiction: Civil, Eviction, Small Claims, Probate, Family
Restricted Records: No juvenile, mental, adoption or sealed released
The Circuit and Superior Court exercise concurrent jurisdiction over all civil issues. The Municipal Court of Marion County, once separate, is now part of Superior Court. All records are merged. Small Claims limit is $8,000.
Center Township Court
300 E. Fall Creek Pkwy N Drive, #130
Indianapolis, IN 46205
Hours: 8:30AM-4:30PM EST
P: 317-920-4530
F: 317-920-4534
Jurisdiction: Small Claims, Eviction
Civil cases may be filed in any township small claims court within the county; however, cases involving landlord and tenant disputes must be filed in the township where the property is located. The statutory limit is $8,000.
Decatur Township Court
3730 S Foltz St
Indianapolis, IN 46241
Hours: 8:30AM-4:30PM EST
P: 317-241-2854
F: 317-247-5960
Jurisdiction: Small Claims, Eviction
A case may be filed in any township small claims court within the county; however, cases involving landlord and tenant disputes must be filed in the township where the property is located.
Lawrence Township Court
4455 McCoy St, Ste 200
Indianapolis, IN 46226
Hours: 8:30AM-4:30PM EST
P: 317-545-2369
F: 317-545-1662
Jurisdiction: Small Claims, Eviction
A case may be filed in any township small claims court within the county; however, cases involving landlord and tenant disputes must be filed in the township where the property is located.
Perry Township Court
4925 Shelby Street, Ste 100
Indianapolis, IN 46227
Hours: 8AM-4:30PM EST
P: 317-786-9242
F: 317-788-4826
Jurisdiction: Small Claims, Eviction
A case may be filed in any township small claims court within the county; however, cases involving landlord and tenant disputes must be filed in the township where the property is located.
Pike Township Court
5665 Lafayette Rd., Ste B
Indianapolis, IN 46254
Hours: 8:30AM-4:30PM EST
P: 317-293-1842
F: 317-290-8319
Jurisdiction: Small Claims, Eviction
A case may be filed in any township small claims court in the county; however, cases involving landlord/tenant disputes must be filed in township where property is located. There may be venue issues that require the case being filed in a specific township
Warren Township Court
501 N Post Rd. Suite C
Indianapolis, IN 46219
Hours: 8:30AM-4:30PM EST
P: 317-327-8919
F: 317-327-8922
Jurisdiction: Small Claims, Eviction
A case may be filed in any township small claims court within the county; however, cases involving landlord and tenant disputes must be filed in the township where the property is located.
Washington Township Court
5302 N Keystone Ave, Ste E
Indianapolis, IN 46220
Hours: 8:30AM-4:30PM EST
P: 317-327-8184
F: 317-327-8190
Jurisdiction: Small Claims, Eviction
A case may be filed in any township small claims court within the county; however, cases involving landlord and tenant disputes must be filed in the township where the property is located.
Wayne Township Court
5401 W Washington St
Indianapolis, IN 46241
Hours: 8AM-4PM EST
P: 317-241-9573
F: 317-248-7917
Jurisdiction: Small Claims, Eviction
A case may be filed in any township small claims court within the county; however, cases involving landlord and tenant disputes must be filed in the township where the property is located.
Franklin Township Small Claims Court
4351 Independence Sq
Indianapolis, IN 46203 http://www.franklintownshipindiana.or
Hours: 8:30AM-4PM EST
P: 317-784-1751
F: 317-784-1871
Jurisdiction: Small Claims, Eviction
Case may be filed in the township small claims court in the county that the transaction took place/where one party resides; however, cases involving landlord & tenant disputes must be filed in a township where at least one party resides.
Traffic Violations Bureau
8115 E. Washington St.
Indianapolis, IN 46219
Hours: 8AM-4PM EST
P: 317-327-5738, 866-729-4639
F: 317-327-5754
Jurisdiction: Traffic
Effective June 1, 2015, traffic violations is now processed by the Clerk's Office. Traffic violations staff became Clerk's Office employees.
Beech Grove City Court
340 E Churchman Ave
Beech Grove, IN 46107
Hours: 9AM-4PM T,W,TH, F EST
P: 317-803-9155
F: 317-782-4943
Jurisdiction: Ordinance Violations Traffic Infractions
The Court has countywide jurisdiction and hears cases from the Cities of Beech Grove, Lawrence, Southport, the Towns of Speedway, Clermont, and Homecroft.
Cumberland Town Court
11501 E Washington St
Cumberland, IN 46229
Hours: 6AM-2PM EST
P: 317-894-6216 ext. 107
F: 317-894-6214
Jurisdiction: Town Infractions, Traffic
The Court is located at the Police Dept/Cumberland Town Hall.
Superior Court Civil Division
200 E Washington St, Ste W122
Civil Clerk's Office
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Hours: 8AM-4:30PM EST
P: 317-327-4740, 317-327-4009
F: 317-327-3893
Jurisdiction: Civil, Eviction, Small Claims, Probate, Family
Restricted Records: No juvenile, mental, adoption or sealed released
The Circuit and Superior Court exercise concurrent jurisdiction over all civil issues. The Municipal Court of Marion County, once separate, is now part of Superior Court. All records are merged.

Marion County, IN Vital Records

Contact the Marion County Office of the County Recorder if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.

Marion County
County Recorder
200 E Washington St, Ste T-741
City-County Bldg
Indianapolis, IN 46204
8AM-4:30PM EST
Phone: 317-327-4020
Fax: 317-327-3942
Recorded Documents

Marion County Vital Certificates

Marion County Vital Certificates

If you would like to obtain a hard copy of a birth, death, marriage, divorce, or other vital record, you can do so by searching for and requesting a vital certificate. Vital certificates are hard copy documents, the same as those used by the United States government.

Get a vital certificate.

Marion County Information

When you think of Indianapolis, one thing comes to mind first: the Indianapolis 500. This city is located within Marion County and is the state capital and largest city in the state. Sports are a big enterprise in Indiana and racing is not its only claim to fame. Marion County has two major sports teams, the Indianapolis Colts and the Indiana Pacers. The Colts, an NFL team, won the Super Bowl in 2007. The Pacers, an NBA team, has never won a championship, but did make it to the finals in 2000.

There are plenty of other options besides sports, such as Indianapolis Museum of Art. This 2009 winner of the National Medal for Museum and Library Service is over one hundred and twenty years old and is home to works by Rembrandt, Rubens, and Gauguin. Also, its collection of Neo-Impressionist paintings is considered the most comprehensive of its kind in North America.

If you are ready to get outside, visit one of Marion County's numerous parks and natural resource areas. These areas include Stables Chase Nature Sanctuary, Marott Park Woods Nature Preserve, and Grassy Creek Park. The natural resource areas are a great escape from the city and are left in their natural state to let individuals get out in nature and away from the stress of city life. Marion County has a lot to offer its visitors and residents, from its impressive sports history and its amazing art, to its green areas and everything in between.

Marion County Population Records

Total Land Area (2000): 396.25 sq mi
Population (2009): 890,879
  • Females: 51.5%
  • White: 70.2%
  • Black/African American: 25.9%
  • Asian: 1.7%
  • Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0.1%
  • Hispanic or Latino Origin: 7.8%
  • White, Not Hispanic: 63.4%
Population Change (2000-2009): 30,422
Foreign-Born Population (2000): 4.6%
Language other than English spoken at home (2000): 7.3%
Persons Below Poverty Level (2008): 16.5%
High School Graduates (2000): 81.6%
Bachelor’s Degree or Higher (2000): 25.4%
Persons per Household (2000): 2.39
Housing Units (2000): 387,183
Homeownership Rate (2000): 59.3%
Migration Flow to Marion County, IN from (2007-2008):

Marion County Records

Total Earnings by Industry, in thou. dol. (2007):
  • Total: $38,224,019
  • Construction: $2,541,740
  • Retail Trade: $1,898,889
  • Professional and Technical Services: $3,308,483
  • Healthcare: $4,175,908
  • Banking: $2,494,332
  • Retail Trade: $1,898,889
  • Accommodations and Food Services: $968,479
  • Manufacturing: $7,181,372
  • Farms: $9,237
  • Government: $4,836,764
Employed (2000): 432,302
Unemployed (2000): 24,569
Unemployment Rate (2009): 9.1%
Annual Payroll per Employee (2007): $37,936
Local Government Employment (2007): 36,539
Local Government Revenue (2007): $3,122,736 (thou. dol.)
Local Government Debt (2007): $4,369,654 (thou. dol.)

Marion County Birth, Death Records

Births (2007): 15,441
  • Per 1,000 population: 17.6
Deaths (2007): 7,043
  • Per 1,000 population: 8
Infant Deaths (2007): 140
  • Per 1,000 population: 9.1

Marion County Criminal Records

Violent Crimes (2008): 9,932
  • Murder and non-negligent manslaughter: 117
  • Forcible rape: 483
  • Robbery: 4,178
  • Aggravated Assault: 5,154
Property Crimes (2008): 51,958
  • Burglary: 14,819
  • Larceny-Theft: 30,419
  • Motor Vehicle Theft: 6,720

Marion County Genealogy Records