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Davidson County, TN Public Records

Circuit Court
PO Box 196303
Nashville, TN 37201
Hours: 8AM-4:30PM CST
P: 615-862-5181
F: 615-862-5191
Couriers: One Public Sq, Rm 302 Historic Courthouse
Nashville, TN 37201
Jurisdiction: Civil
Restricted Records: No juvenile or adoption records released.
General Sessions Court
PO Box 196304
Nashville, TN 37219-6304
Hours: 8AM-4:30PM CST
P: 615-862-5195
F: 615-862-5924
Couriers: 408 2nd Ave N, #2110
Nashville, TN 37219
Jurisdiction: Civil Actions under $25,000, Eviction, Small Claims, Domestic, Juvenile, Traffic
Restricted Records: No juvenile records released
There is no Small Claims court, these type of cases are handled by the General Sessions Civil Division. The Traffic Violation Bureau is a General Sessions Office responsible for processing the traffic citations.
General Sessions Court - Criminal Court
408 2nd Ave N, #2120
Nashville, TN 37201
Hours: 8AM-4:30PM CST
P: 615-862-5601
Jurisdiction: Felony, Misdemeanor
Restricted Records: No records unauthorized by statutes released
Chancery and Probate Court
PO Box 196300
Nashville, TN 37219
Hours: 8AM-4:30PM CST
P: 615-862-5980
F: 615-862-5987
Jurisdiction: Civil, Probate
An estate Look-up is provided at

Davidson County, TN Vital Records

Contact the Davidson County Office of the Register of Deeds if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.

Davidson County
Register of Deeds
501 Broadway, #501
Nashville, TN 37203
8AM-4:30PM CST
Phone: 615-862-6790
Fax: 615-880-2039

Davidson County Vital Certificates

Davidson County Vital Certificates

If you would like to obtain a hard copy of a birth, death, marriage, divorce, or other vital record, you can do so by searching for and requesting a vital certificate. Vital certificates are hard copy documents, the same as those used by the United States government.

Get a vital certificate.

Davidson County Information

If you ever wondered what county Nashville, Tennessee is located in, Davidson County is your answer. Number ninety-six on the list of the top one hundred most populous United States counties, it is no wonder that Davidson County is among them. With Nashville, Tennessee so popular for its country music, it is a county that is sure to score high among the crowds of people who like to visit or make Davidson County their Tennessee home. Whether you simply want to visit a music legacy, or want to find other entertainment and visiting options, Davidson County, Tennessee is a worthwhile opportunity to look into.

Aside from the expected attractions of the Grand Ole Opry, the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, and various events taking place like Sound and Speed, Davidson County also offers other attractions. These attractions vary from Athena's Statue, a park (among other parks), the Belle Meade Plantation, and Hermitage, the home of Andrew Jackson, to the Nashville Zoo and Jack Daniel's Distillery. Regardless of your tastes in entertainment, Davidson County has a plethora of options to choose from.

With all the options available for you to choose from, Nashville is more than just a country music legacy; it is a place for your entire family to see and enjoy. Even if you don't like country music, you are still sure to find plenty of reasons to make Davidson County one of your vacation stops.

Davidson County Population Records

Total Land Area (2000): 502.26 sq mi
Population (2009): 635,710
  • Females: 51.5%
  • White: 67.4%
  • Black/African American: 27.4%
  • Asian: 2.9%
  • Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0.1%
  • Hispanic or Latino Origin: 8.7%
  • White, Not Hispanic: 59.8%
Population Change (2000-2009): 65,821
Foreign-Born Population (2000): 6.9%
Language other than English spoken at home (2000): 9.8%
Persons Below Poverty Level (2008): 16.9%
High School Graduates (2000): 81.5%
Bachelor’s Degree or Higher (2000): 30.5%
Persons per Household (2000): 2.3
Housing Units (2000): 252,977
Homeownership Rate (2000): 55.3%
Migration Flow to Davidson County, TN from (2007-2008):

Davidson County Records

Total Earnings by Industry, in thou. dol. (2007):
  • Total: $31,124,024
  • Construction: $1,549,948
  • Retail Trade: $1,968,795
  • Professional and Technical Services: $3,157,665
  • Healthcare: $5,429,774
  • Banking: $1,969,521
  • Retail Trade: $1,968,795
  • Accommodations and Food Services: $1,097,336
  • Manufacturing: $2,432,554
  • Farms: $611
  • Government: $3,345,469
Employed (2000): 291,283
Unemployed (2000): 15,967
Unemployment Rate (2009): 8.9%
Annual Payroll per Employee (2007): $43,394
Local Government Employment (2007): 23,625
Local Government Revenue (2007): $1,664,290 (thou. dol.)
Local Government Debt (2007): $3,992,283 (thou. dol.)

Davidson County Birth, Death Records

Births (2007): 9,992
  • Per 1,000 population: 16.1
Deaths (2007): 4,974
  • Per 1,000 population: 8
Infant Deaths (2007): 81
  • Per 1,000 population: 8.1

Davidson County Criminal Records

Violent Crimes (2008): 8,519
  • Murder and non-negligent manslaughter: 77
  • Forcible rape: 301
  • Robbery: 2,411
  • Aggravated Assault: 5,730
Property Crimes (2008): 34,024
  • Burglary: 6,512
  • Larceny-Theft: 25,163
  • Motor Vehicle Theft: 2,349

Davidson County Genealogy Records