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Sullivan County, NH Public Records

Superior Court - Newport
22 Main St
Newport, NH 03773
Hours: 8AM-12:30PM; 1PM-4:00PM EST
P: 855-212-1234
Jurisdiction: Felony, Civil and Equity Actions over $1,500
Restricted Records: No adoption, sealed, juvenile, mental health, expunged or dismissed records released
State has centralized all name searching to one location, see below. This court will continue to provide case file copies if case number known.
Newport Circuit Court - District and Family Divisions
55 Main St
Newport, NH 03773
Hours: 8AM-4PM EST
P: 855-212-1234
Jurisdiction: Misdemeanor, Civil Actions under $25,000, Eviction, Small Claims, Family, Juvenile, Traffic Trials
Restricted Records: No adoption, sealed, juvenile, mental health, expunged or dismissed records released
Jurisdiction includes towns of Grantham, Croydon, Springfield, Sunapee, Goshen, Lempster, Newport, New London, Newbury, Springfield, Sunapee, Washington and Wilmot. Includes cases from closed court in New London (New London, Newbury, Wilmot).
Claremont Circuit Court - District and Family Divisions
1 Police Court, Ste 2
Claremont, NH 03743
Hours: 8AM-4PM EST
P: 855-212-1234
Jurisdiction: Misdemeanor, Civil Actions under $25,000, Eviction, Small Claims, Family, Juvenile, Traffic Trials
Restricted Records: No adoption, sealed, juvenile, mental health, expunged or dismissed records released
State has centralized all name searching to 1 location, see below. This court will continue to provide case file copies if case # known. Jurisdiction area includes city of Claremont & towns of Cornish, Unity, Charlestown, Acworth, Langdon & Plainfield.
5th Cirecuit Court Probate Division - Newport
14 Main St, Ste 5
Newport, NH 03773
Hours: 8AM-N 1PM-4PM EST
P: 855-212-1234
F: 603-863-7461
Jurisdiction: Probate
Newport Probate Clerk's office is closed on Fridays; however, on those Fridays, all Probate business may be transacted at the Circuit Court District/Family Division Clerk's office located at 55 Main St (Newport) which is across the street.

Sullivan County, NH Vital Records

Contact the Acworth Town Office of the Town Clerk if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.

Acworth Town
Town Clerk
13 Town Hall Rd
South Acworth, NH 03601
4:30PM-7PM W; 8AM-N Sat EST
Phone: 603-835-6879
Fax: 603-835-7901

Contact the Charlestown Town Office of the Town Clerk if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.

Charlestown Town
Town Clerk
233 Main St
Charlestown, NH 03603
8AM-6PM M,W; 8AM-4PM T,TH,F; 9AM-N last Sat of month EST
Phone: 603-826-5821
Fax: 603-826-5181

Contact the Claremont City Office of the City Clerk if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.

Claremont City
City Clerk
58 Opera House Sq
Claremont, NH 03743
9AM-12:30PM 1:30PM-5PM EST
Phone: 603-542-7003
Fax: 603-542-7038

Contact the Cornish Town Office of the Town Clerk if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.

Cornish Town
Town Clerk
488 Town House Rd
Cornish Flat, NH 03745
5PM-7PM M-TH; Closed F; 9AM-N Last Sat of month EST
Phone: 603-675-5207
Fax: 603-675-5605

Contact the Croydon Town Office of the Town Clerk if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.

Croydon Town
Town Clerk
879 NH Rte 10
Croydon, NH 03773
Phone: 603-863-7830
Fax: 603-863-2601

Contact the Goshen Town Office of the Town Clerk if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.

Goshen Town
Town Clerk
54 Mill Village Rd N
Goshen, NH 03752
7:30AM-N 1PM-4:30PM M-TH; 8AM-11AM last Sat on month EST
Phone: 603-863-5655
Fax: 603-863-6139

Contact the Grantham Town Office of the Town Clerk if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.

Grantham Town
Town Clerk
300 Rte 10 S
Town Bldg
Grantham, NH 03753
Phone: 603-863-5608
Fax: 603-863-4499

Contact the Langdon Town Office of the Town Clerk if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.

Langdon Town
Town Clerk
122 Rte 12A #1
Municipal Bldg
Langdon, NH 03602
1PM-2:30PM M; 4PM-6:30PM TH; 8AM-11AM 1st Sat of month EST
Phone: 603-835-2389
Fax: 603-835-6055

Contact the Lempster Town Office of the Town Clerk if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.

Lempster Town
Town Clerk
856 US Rte 10
Lempster, NH 03605
8AM-1PM 12:30PM-5:30PM T-TH; 8AM-N F & 1st & last Sat EST
Phone: 603-863-3213
Fax: 603-863-8105

Contact the Newport Town Office of the Town Clerk if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.

Newport Town
Town Clerk
15 Sunapee St
Newport, NH 03773
8AM-4:30PM EST
Phone: 603-863-2224
Fax: 603-863-8008

Contact the Plainfield Town Office of the Town Clerk if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.

Plainfield Town
Town Clerk
110 Main St, Town Clerk's Office
Plainfield, NH 03781
Phone: 603-469-3201
Fax: 603-469-3642

Contact the Springfield Town Office of the Town Clerk if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.

Springfield Town
Town Clerk
2750 Main St
Springfield, NH 03284
9AM-N 1PM-4PM M-W; 9AM-N 1PM-8PM TH; closed F EST
Phone: 603-763-4805
Fax: 603-763-3336

Contact the Sullivan County Office of the Register of Deeds if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.

Sullivan County
Register of Deeds
14 Main St, 2nd Fl
Newport, NH 03773
8AM-4PM (copy request hrs-8AM-3:30PM) EST
Phone: 603-863-2110
Fax: 603-863-0013
Recorded Documents

Contact the Unity Town Office of the Town Clerk if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.

Unity Town
Town Clerk
13 Center Rd, Unit 3
Unity, NH 3603
8AM-4PM M,T,TH; 8AM-6PM W; Closed F EST
Phone: 603-542-9665
Fax: 603-542-9736

Contact the Washington Town Office of the Town Clerk if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.

Washington Town
Town Clerk
7 Halfmoon Pond Rd
Washington, NH 03280
1PM-7:45PM TH; 9AM-2:45PM F; 9AM-11:45 Last Sat of month EST
Phone: 603-495-3667
Fax: 603-495-1739

Contact the Sunapee Town Office of the Town Clerk if you would like to find vital records, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, and real estate records.

Sunapee Town
Town Clerk
23 Edgemont Rd
Sunapee, NH 03782
8AM-4:30PM M,T,TH,F; 8AM-12:30PM W EST
Phone: 603-763-2449
Fax: 603-763-4608

Sullivan County Vital Certificates

Sullivan County Vital Certificates

If you would like to obtain a hard copy of a birth, death, marriage, divorce, or other vital record, you can do so by searching for and requesting a vital certificate. Vital certificates are hard copy documents, the same as those used by the United States government.

Get a vital certificate.

Sullivan County Population Records

Total Land Area (2000): 537.38 sq mi
Population (2009): 42,692
  • Females: 50.6%
  • White: 97.6%
  • Black/African American: 0.4%
  • Asian: 0.6%
  • Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0%
  • Hispanic or Latino Origin: 1%
  • White, Not Hispanic: 96.6%
Population Change (2000-2009): 2,234
Foreign-Born Population (2000): 2.9%
Language other than English spoken at home (2000): 4.4%
Persons Below Poverty Level (2008): 9.9%
High School Graduates (2000): 83%
Bachelor’s Degree or Higher (2000): 19.7%
Persons per Household (2000): 2.41
Housing Units (2000): 20,158
Homeownership Rate (2000): 72%
Migration Flow to Sullivan County, NH from (2007-2008):

Sullivan County Records

Total Earnings by Industry, in thou. dol. (2007):
  • Total: $851,580
  • Construction: $51,765
  • Retail Trade: $85,950
  • Professional and Technical Services: $36,736
  • Healthcare: $66,469
  • Banking: $30,348
  • Retail Trade: $85,950
  • Accommodations and Food Services: $13,798
  • Manufacturing: $287,857
  • Farms: $2,793
  • Government: $114,507
Employed (2000): 20,483
Unemployed (2000): 703
Unemployment Rate (2009): 5.8%
Annual Payroll per Employee (2007): $36,362
Local Government Employment (2007): 2,183
Local Government Revenue (2007): $108,393 (thou. dol.)
Local Government Debt (2007): $39,348 (thou. dol.)

Sullivan County Birth, Death Records

Births (2007): 490
  • Per 1,000 population: 11.5
Deaths (2007): 443
  • Per 1,000 population: 10.4
Infant Deaths (2007): 2
  • Per 1,000 population: 4.1

Sullivan County Criminal Records

Violent Crimes (2008): 45
  • Murder and non-negligent manslaughter: 0
  • Forcible rape: 11
  • Robbery: 2
  • Aggravated Assault: 32
Property Crimes (2008): 684
  • Burglary: 86
  • Larceny-Theft: 567
  • Motor Vehicle Theft: 31

Sullivan County Genealogy Records